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What is so fantastic about the connection between Stories and Scents?

Both components alone offer already many benefits:

Storytelling has always been an important part of all cultures.
It’s universal and as old as mankind itself. And our brains love stories! We need them to aid memory, we use them to imagine the future or to hold attention.
chatting people sitting together around fire pit
Stories also bring us together as they help us to empathize with each other, they give meaning. But they also have the ability to help us to relax. Stories help us shift down a gear before bed. They enable us to bypass those frustrating feelings of over-thinking and help us sleep faster and better.
Scents have some magical power:
They can bring back certain memories and emotions because they send signals to the limbic system, the part of our brain that stores memories and emotions.
suitcase full of memories (photos)
But it’s even more than that! Scents can help us feel better, they can influence our mood and well-being because of this connection between scents, memories and emotions.

You see, Stories and Scents are already great on their own but if combined they are magnificent for us.
Due to the Storytelling it’s easier for our brains to recall those benefits that come with the appealing Scents.
And due to the Scents the Stories are brought to life and we’re able to dive deep into them and have a truly immersive experience.

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